среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.

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So, I haven’t been posting screenshots lately, because most of the work getting done has been behind the scenes with not a lot to really show. So today I bring you two screenshots! One far more interesting than the other. The other more of a test to see if it’s a good idea maybe. So, to explain:
The first screenshot shows the deck editing system. You can see all your cards in your inventory (left) and all the cards in one characters deck (right). Clicking a card in the inventory sends it to the characters deck, and vice versa. The UI needs work to be pretty, but it’s functional! Before a real release I’ll need Dusk to go through and help me with things like layout, as well as giving me UI art to use. But for now, this will be fine.
The second screenshot is tiny, but shows what I have been getting done today! This small bit of code goes in each monster and decides what items the monster can drop and at what chances. When an item drop is added, you pass it two variables. The second one always controls drop chance, in a percentage format. So, 10.5 would be a 10.5% chance every time you slay that monster. The first variable controls what is actually dropped. When passed a whole number without a decimal, it is gold. In this screenshot, the first item is 20 gold at a 20% chance. When passed a number with a decimal, it will restore that much HP to the party when acquired, in the form of a percentage. So, in this shot it has a 10% chance to restore 10% HP to each party member. Lastly, you can pass a card! This makes it very easy to customize drops for each monster. You can also add multiples of the same thing. I could give a monster ten 5% chances to drop 100 gold, for example, and at the end of a battle you would roll ten times and have a chance of getting 100 gold each time.
Change log for 9/24/2012:
-Fixed a bug where character HP was displaying incorrectly for the third party member in the dungeon.
-Fixed a bug where all monsters only gave 1 mana.
-Fixed a bug where monster stats were randomly super low.
-Added a loot system.
-Added player gold.
-Added a system for customizing monster drops easily.
-Added a rolling system after battles, that rolls for each possible item to drop.
-Added a type of enemy drop that heals the party (To be used as a consolation prize in fights where the player did badly, once loot is controlled by a system like that.)
-Added the possibility of enemies dropping gold.
-Added the possibility of enemies dropping cards.
-Added suitable loot for all enemies.
It’s worth noting too, that with the loot system in place I am pretty much entirely waiting on art to release a demo version. Of course, the more I get done in the meantime, the better. But, it’s basically ready!

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